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Brief Questionnaire

Thank you for using BALANCE. Please answer the following questions to help us improve BALANCE.

1. How engaging were each of the following BALANCE tools?

Reading about coping strategies in Ways of Coping
Reading the vignette about Lucas's Family in Coping in Context
Reading the vignette about Mary's Family in Coping in Context

2. How educational or informative were each of the following BALANCE tools?

Reading about coping strategies in Ways of Coping
Reading the vignette about Lucas's Family in Coping in Context
Reading the vignette about Mary's Family in Coping in Context

3. Did you find BALANCE relevant to your personal experience?

Extremely relevant
Very relevant
Somewhat relevant
Slightly relevant
Not at all relevant

4. How would you describe the amount of information included in BALANCE?

Too much information
The right amount of information
Not enough information

5. Is the program culturally competent (relevant to people across cultures or beliefs)?


Please feel free to add any additional information:

6. Is this program best for people after a recent loss or at any time while dealing with grief?


Please feel free to add any additional information:

If you would like to share other thoughts about BALANCE, please type them here.